Evaluation of English Language Teaching and Linguistics Program: A Case Study of Punjab University
The aim of this case study was to evaluate the Master of Arts in English Language teaching and Linguistics (MA ELTL) Program being offered by Institute of Education and Research (IER), University of the Punjab since 2003. English is taught as a compulsory subject up to graduation level and holds a central position in education system of Pakistan. The results of students in secondary, higher secondary and graduation level exams showed poor condition in English subject reflecting poor quality of learning English which is dependent on quality of teachers. The quality of English teachers depends on the quality and effectiveness of teacher education program. However, the quality of teacher education program becomes a prime determinant for quality of learning. Among various aspects of program quality, level of preparedness of its prospective teachers is most widely used feature. Therefore, this evaluative case study was planned to investigate preparedness level of prospective teachers in 20 domains identified through literature as essential components of a quality teacher education program. The prospective teachers of final semester (PTFS) and alumni of the MA ELTL program rated their level of preparedness to teach in real world classrooms after receiving training through this program. The instruments; a self-reported survey questionnaire from PTFS and alumni’s (N=196) as well as an observation schedule of 20 PTFS to observe their classroom practices were used. Findings showed that PTFS and alumni were moderately prepared in instruction, curriculum, professionalism, and English language teaching skills. The study recommended that duration and quality of practice teaching should be improved. Prospective teachers must be trained to apply theoretical knowledge into practical teaching under the guidance of instructors.