Teachers focus to practice formative assessment techniques and Blooms Taxonomy: Assessment of class practices of prospective teachers

  • Samra Bashir University of Education Lahore
  • Tanzila Karim University of Education, Lahore
  • Nadia Akram Institute of Education and Research, University of Punjab
Keywords: Formative Assessment Techniques, Blooms Taxonomy, Prospective Teachers


The key objective of the study was to find out the formative assessment techniques used by teachers of a public sector university of Lahore city. To achieve this objective a B.Ed. (Hons) class comprising 40 prospective teachers and five teachers involved in teaching were purposively selected. Data was collected by developing two instruments: An observation schedule and a questionnaire. To ensure the reliability of observation, inter observer agreement was followed and reliability coefficient of questionnaire was identified as 0.839. Six observations of each teacher were calculated. Data was analyzed by using SPSS software. Findings of study showed that teachers usually ask questions and give examples in classroom and the other techniques to assess students’ learning are generally ignored. Teachers assess lower cognitive abilities of students in the classroom. The study suggests that teachers need training for the use of assessment techniques in their classes.

How to Cite
Samra Bashir, Tanzila Karim, & Nadia Akram. (2020). Teachers focus to practice formative assessment techniques and Blooms Taxonomy: Assessment of class practices of prospective teachers. Journal of Arts & Social Sciences , 7(2), 116-125. https://doi.org/10.46662/jass-vol7-iss2-2020(116-125)