Does Pakistan’s Intellectual Property Law Conform to International Intellectual Property Law? An Overview

  • Ghulam Murtiza College of Law, Government College University, Faisalabad
  • Dr. Qamar Abad University of Karachi
Keywords: Intellectual property, Legal, Institutional, Protection


Piracy and counterfeiting are not a problem of any one country or region but these evils have engulfed the whole world. That’s why in the presence of these evils we are unable to take advantage of the benefits of intellectual property. To eradicate these evils, each country has its own laws in accordance with international intellectual property law. Pakistan also has intellectual property laws. This research seeks to determine whether Pakistan’s intellectual property law is in line with international intellectual property law. For this purpose, an overview of legal and institutional framework for intellectual property in Pakistan and at international level has been taken. This study concludes that Pakistan’s intellectual property law conforms to international standards and the only requirement is that these laws be enforced effectively.

How to Cite
Murtiza, G., & Dr. Qamar Abad. (2020). Does Pakistan’s Intellectual Property Law Conform to International Intellectual Property Law? An Overview. Journal of Arts & Social Sciences , 7(2), 245-255.